Dulles 606 Retail Center

606 and Overland Drive, Dulles, VA 20166

Route 606 and Overland Drive, Dulles, VA 20166

This 100,000 SF convenience retail center is strategically located in the “Dulles Loop” between Route 50 and Route 28 on Route 606. The center is designed to serve the day-to-day needs of businesses, homeowners and commuters along busy Route 606, the main commercial corridor west of Dulles Airport in fast-growing Loudoun County, VA. Current tenants include Exxon, McDonald’s, Arby’s, Virginia Commerce Bank, and other service retail.

For information, contact Matt Pierce, 703/753-7949, m.pierce@buchananpartners.com, or Billy Orlove, (703) 893-5141, Borlove@rosenthalproperties.com

There is currently no available space for lease

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